Distretto Tecnologico Sicilia Micro e Nano Sistemi
The Distretto Tecnologico Sicilia Micro e Nano Sistemi is a consortium including Companies, Universities, Research organisations, and Associations representing manufacturing and service companies in Sicily. It represents an intergrated and coherent system of “research-training-innovation” which is meant to support the sustainable economic growth following specific strategic directions: sustainability, aggregation, enhancement and interpretation of the territory, attraction of talents, dexterity, control and monitoring.
The District develops an Open Innovation process based on multiple interactions and interdependencies between research, innovation, development and production.
The high quality of the member companies, together with the excellence of the skills expressed by the knowledge and research system, makes it possible to identify paths of innovation and the consequent validation of solutions, by a public-private system represented in its components at the highest levels of expertise and strategic vision. The District also participates, as a member, in the National Technology Clusters: Alisei (Life Sciences) Smile (Technologies for living environments), Energy, Smart Communities, Smart Factory.
Through its partnership, the District has of the KET’s (Enabling key technologies) to the highest level of competence and strategic vision in order to use and to finalize the destined European deep ones to search, innovation, digital agenda, etc. The Distretto Micro e Nano sistemi also has, through its members, an important and advanced system of laboratories and research facilities.