Filippo D'Arpa
Chief Executive Officer
Distretto Tecnologico Sicilia Micro e Nano Sistemi
Born in Palermo, where he graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Palermo. In 1976 he began working at ENI in Milan and was assigned for a two-year period at the ANIC plant in Gela. He was hired in IBM Italy in 1978 where he held various positions until 2009.
- In 1985 he was assigned to the IBM Italy headquarters in Segrate where he held the role of Assistant to the General Management.
- In 1986 he took on the role of Marketing Manager in the Industry and Distribution sector at the Rome office of IBM Italia.
- In 1989 he was appointed Marketing Director in the Banking Sector.
- In 1990 he was appointed Director of the Banks - Sicily branch.
- In 1994 he was appointed Regional Director of Sicily.
- In 1998 he also took on the role of Euro Project Manager for IBM Italy.
- Since January 2000 he has been appointed as Southern Regional Director.
- From 1994 to 2009 Member of the Board of Directors of the Scientific and Technological Park of Sicily.
- From 2003 to 2009 he held the role of President of the IT and Technologies Section of Confindustria Palermo.
- From June 2008 to June 2012 he played the role of Regional Representative for Sicily of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy.
- Since 2008 Member of the Board of Directors of the consortium for the Sicily Micro and Nano Sistemi Technological District.
- From 2010 to 2016 he held the role of IT consultant to the Rector of the University of Palermo.
- Since May 2011 he has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Sicily Micro and Nano Sistem Technological District.